The Shaken Baby Syndrome Myth
renamed "Abusive Head Trauma" or "Non-Accidental Injury"



* SBS began as an unproven theory and medical opinions, now discredited by biomechanical engineering studies
* No DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS done to eliminate other causes, abuse assumed without evidence
* Shaken Baby diagnostic symptoms not caused by shaking
* Child protective agencies snatch children, destroy families based on medical accusations without proof of wrong-doing
*Poor or deceptive police investigations, falsified reports, perjured testimony threaten legal rights, due process
* Prosecutors seek "victory", over justice; defense attorneys guilty of ineffective counsel, ignorance, lack of effort
* Care-takers threatened, manipulated, in order to force plea bargains, false confessions
* A fractured criminal justice system--a big piece for the rich, a small piece for the poor, and none for alleged SBS cases.



Related websites/ important people and projects ShakenBabySyndrome/Vaccines/YurkoProject
"Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine Induced Encephalitis-- Are Parents Being Falsely Accused?" by Dr Harold Buttram, with Christina England (WEBSITE)
Evidence Based Medicine and Social Investigation:
EBMSI conferences, resources and information Articles and Reports
VacTruth: Jeffry Aufderheide; The SBS conection and other dangerous or deadly side effects of vaccination true, suppressed history of the smallpox vaccine fraud and other books:
Patrick Jordan
Sue Luttner, must-read articles and information on Shaken Baby Syndrome: her resources link
The Amanda Truth Project: Amanda's mother speaks out at symposium
Tonya Sadowsky


Vaccination: Ocular Effects (more comings..)
There are many connections between vaccinations and ocular effects (retinal hemorrhages). Animal studies demonstrate that vaccines cause a rise in blood histamine levels, which can cause a hemorrhagic condition with breakout bleeding anywhere in the body. Blood histamines are neutralized by Vit C, which can cause a deficiency state. Vit C deficiency (scurvy/Barlow's disease in infants) is a hemorrhagic condition, causing "capillary fragility", which means bleeding can occur anywhere in the body. All vaccines are capable of causing brain inflammation/swelling in infants (characterized by inconsolable crying and other signs), which can cause hemorrhaging in the subdural spaces and retinal hemorrhages. All vaccines can cause thrombocytopenia, which is a hemorrhagic condition linked to subdural hematoma and retinal hemorrhage, as well as other manifestations of a bleeding disorder. There are other connections as follow:

Citations of eye/optic problems and vaccines

[You give vitamin A depleting vaccines for a disease (measles) that blinds the vitamin A deficient. See: Nutritional medicine for measles]

"When the live viral measles vaccine is given, it depletes the children of their existing supply of Vitamin A."--Mary Megson MD

"We all know that the vaccinating of the children of Japan against small-pox— a disgraceful mass medication spree engineered by our conquering army’s medical doctors—resulted in putting eye-glasses on fully 50% of the race that Admiral Perry—back in 1870—reported to have the "finest eyesight of any nation in the world." --TM Schippell ND

Albitar S, et al. Bilateral retrobulbar optic neuritis with hepatitis B vaccination. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1997 Oct;12(10):2169-70. No abstract available.PMID: 9351086; UI: 98012356.

Baglivo E, et al. Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome after hepatitis B vaccine. Am J Ophthalmol. 1996 Sep;122(3):431-2. PMID: 8794720; UI: 96387180.
Berkman N. [A case of segmentary unilateral occlusion of the central retinal vein following hepatitis B vaccination]. Presse Med. 1997 Apr 26;26(14):670. French. No abstract available.PMID: 9180888; UI: 97324783.
Bienfang DC, et al. Ocular abnormalities after influenza immunization. Arch Ophthalmol. 1977 Sep;95(9):1649. No abstract available.PMID: 561590; UI: 77266169.

Brezin A, et al. Visual loss and eosinophilia after recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Lancet. 1993 Aug 28;342(8870):563-4. No abstract available.PMID: 8102709; UI: 93360669.

Fong KS, et al. Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome--an uncommon cause for an enlarged blind spot. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 1996 Nov;25(6):866-8. Review. PMID: 9055018; UI: 97207761.
Granel B, et al. [Occlusion of the central retinal vein after vaccination against viral hepatitis B with recombinant vaccines. 4 cases]. Presse Med. 1997 Feb 1;26(2):62-5. French. PMID: 9082411; UI: 97226577.
Hull TP, et al. Optic neuritis after influenza vaccination. Am J Ophthalmol. 1997 Nov;124(5):703-4. PMID: 9372734; UI: 98040003.

Helies P, et al. [Oculo-palpebral complication of vaccination. Review of the literature]. J Fr Ophtalmol. 1994;17(1):62-6. Review. French. PMID: 8176177; UI: 94230905.
Kazarian EL, et al. Optic neuritis complicating measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination. Am J Ophthalmol. 1978 Oct;86(4):544-7. PMID: 707601; UI: 79039497.

Kawasaki A, et al. Bilateral anterior ischemic optic neuropathy following influenza vaccination. J Neuroophthalmol. 1998 Mar;18(1):56-9. PMID: 9532544; UI: 98193723.

Kline L, Margulies SL, Oh SJ. Optic neuritis and myelitis following rubella vaccination. Arch Neurol 1982;39:443-4.
Milkowski S. [Ocular complications following influenza]. Wiad Lek. 1971 Jan 15;24(2):103-8. Polish. No abstract available.PMID: 5100901; UI: 71109124.

McKibbin M, et al. Bilateral optic neuritis after hepatitis A. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1995 Apr;58(4):508. No abstract available.PMID: 7738570; UI: 95256879.

Ray CL, et al. Bilateral optic neuropathy associated with influenza vaccination. J Neuroophthalmol. 1996 Sep;16(3):182-4. PMID: 8865010; UI: 97018394

Voigt U, Baum U, Behrendt W, Hegemann S, Terborg C, Strobel J. [Neuritis of the optic nerve after vaccinations against hepatitis A, hepatitis B and yellow fever] Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd. 2001 Oct;218(10):688-90. German.PMID: 11706386 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Schuil J, van de Putte EM, Zwaan CM, Koole FD, Meire FM. Retinopathy following measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination in an immuno-incompetent girl.Int Ophthalmol. 1998;22(6):345-7.PMID: 10937849 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Solomon A, et al. Bilateral simultaneous corneal graft rejection after influenza vaccination. Am J Ophthalmol. 1996 Jun;121(6):708-9. PMID: 8644815; UI: 96243666.

Solomon A, et al. Adverse ocular effects following influenza vaccination. Eye. 1999 Jun;13 (Pt 3A):381-2. No abstract available.[MEDLINE record in process]PMID: 10624444; UI: 20089570.

Stevenson VL, et al. Optic neuritis following measles/rubella vaccination in two 13-year-old children. Br J Ophthalmol. 1996 Dec;80(12):1110-1. No abstract available.PMID: 9059281; UI: 97212425.

Kawasaki A, et al. Bilateral anterior ischemic optic neuropathy following influenza vaccination. J Neuroophthalmol. 1998 Mar;18(1):56-9. PMID: 9532544; UI: 98193723.

Simultaneous administration of hepatitis B and polio vaccines associated
with bilateral optic neuritis


EDITOR-Immunisation against hepatitis B is recommended when there is an
increased risk of contracting the virus because of lifestyle, occupation, or
factors such as close contact with a case. Immunization against
poliomyelitis is routinely given to infants in the UK with reinforcement
during childhood and then again in the teenage years. For those individuals
at continued risk of infection, further reinforcing doses are given every 10

Both are commonly used vaccines and serious adverse reactions are extremely
rare. We describe a case of severe bilateral, progressive optic neuritis
occurring 1 week after vaccination against hepatitis B and poliomyelitis.


A 44 year old female health worker presented with gradual reduction of
vision in both eyes associated with retrobulbar discomfort exacerbated by
ocular movement, 7 days after vaccination against hepatitis B and
poliomyelitis. Ophthalmologic al findings revealed visual acuities of 6/18
right eye, 6/12 left eye associated with bilateral optic nerve swelling.
Within the next 48 hours the visual acuities dropped to perception of light
in both eyes with absent direct and indirect pupillary light responses. This
was despite commencement of therapy with intravenous methylprednisolone.
Systemic examination revealed no other abnormalities. All haematological and
biochemical investigations were normal and no infective cause was isolated.
Computed tomograph imaging was normal and there was no evidence of
demyelination on magnetic resonance imaging. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
examination revealed no abnormality either biochemically, after culture, or
on electrophoresis. In addition, CSF pressure was within normal limits.
Visually evoked potentials revealed absent responses. Despite 5 days of
intravenous methylprednisolone (1 g per day) followed by a slow tapering of
oral prednisolone (1 mg/kg/day) her vision remained poor (counting fingers
at 1 metre in both eyes) after 3 months.


The recombinant hepatitis B vaccine has been associated with a diverse range
of isolated adverse reactions but ocular complications are exceedingly rare.
Granel et al attributed four cases of central retinal vein occlusion in
patients under 50 years of age to the vaccine,1 and associations with
multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (MEWDS)2 and acute posterior
multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE)3 have been described.
Various related neurological and systemic features of an autoimmune nature
have been reported including CNS demyelination.4 Bilateral optic neuritis
occurs occasionally in acute hepatitis B infection.5 6

Vaccines derived from live attenuated viruses such as the trivalent oral
polio vaccine can cause direct viral infections of the central nervous
system.7 The incidence of vaccine derived paralytic poliomyelitis is
reported as being one in three million in recipients of the vaccine or their
close contacts.7 The vaccine has also been linked to some cases of
Guillain-- Barre syndrome7 but ocular complications have not been reported.

Others such as the trivalent measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines and
the monovalent rubella vaccine,9 have also been associated with bilateral
optic neuritis.

The exact mechanisms behind neurological complications following vaccination
are unknown but various hypotheses exist including immune complex mediated
demyelination or neurotoxicity, antigenic mimicry between the stimulating
vaccine derived antigen and normal or altered host tissue proteins,
immediate hypersensitivity reactions, and stimulation of a pathogenic
lymphocytic response.

Adverse neurological reactions generally occur 1-3 weeks following
vaccination which supports the claim that vaccination was the aetiological
factor in this case. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report
of this complication with either of the two individual vaccines. The fact
that there are many case reports describing a diverse variety of systemic
reactions of an autoimmune nature associated with both vaccines also adds to
the claim. Those cases of optic neuritis attributed to other vaccines and to
post infectious optic neuritis generally did better with corticosteroid
therapy than in our case but high dose corticosteroids are generally
considered to be the treatment of choice in these rare but potentially
devastating complications.

1 Granel B, Disdier P, Devin F, et al. Occlusion of the central retinal vein
after vaccination against viral hepatitis B with recombinant vaccines. 4
cases. Press Med 1997;26:62-5.

2 Baglivo E, Safran AB, Borruat FX. Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome
after hepatitis B vaccine. Am J Ophthalmol 1996;122:431 2.

3 Brezin AP, Massin-Korobelnik P, Boudin M, et al. Acute posterior
multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy after hepatitis B vaccine. Arch
Ophthalmol 1995;113:297-300.

4 Kaplanski G, Retornaz F, Durand J, et al Central nervous system
demyelination after vaccination against hepatitis B and HLA haplotype. J
Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1995;58:758-9.

5 Galli M, Morelli R, Casellato A, et al. Retrobulbar optic neuritis in a
patient with acute type B hepatitis. Neurol Sci 1986;72:195-200.

6 Achiron LR. Postinfectious hepatitis B optic neuritis. Optom Vis Sci

7 Fenichel GM. Neurological complications of immunization. Ann Neurol

8 Stevenson VL, Acheson JF, Ball J, et al. Optic neuritis following
measles/rubella vaccination in two 13-year-old children. Br J Ophthalmol
1996; 80:1110-11.

9 Kline L, Margulies SL, Oh SJ. Optic neuritis and myelitis following
rubella vaccination. Arch Neurol 1982;39:443-4.




Department of Ophthalmology, Bradford Royal Infirmary, Bradford, West

Correspondence to: Mr Owen Stewart, Department of Ophthalmology, St James's
University Hospital, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS9 7TF.

Accepted for publication 18 May 1999
British Journal of Ophthalmology
Date: 10/01/1999
Owen Stewart; Bernard Chang; John Bradbury

Children with adverse effects from Hepatitis B vaccine

Vaccinations: Retinal Hemorrhage

False Assumption:
Retinal hemorrhages only come from "Shaken Baby Syndrome" or nonaccidental trauma.

Retinal hemorrhages can be found in a myriad of different scenarios (child birth, CPR, coagulation disorders or any scenario that gives you a sudden increase in intracranial pressure). Retinal hemorrhages cannot be pathologically interpreted or dated with any accuracy. Retinal hemorrhages are generally caused by a sudden increase in intracranial pressure.

Prosecutors and proponents of Shaken Baby Syndrome assert that retinal hemorrhages are pathognomonic for (i.e. diagnostic of) Shaken Baby Syndrome. In fact, retinal hemorrhages are found in a myriad of different conditions, most of which result in a sudden increase in intracranial pressure. A human head is a closed space, with limited spare room for things like bleeding and swelling. Therefore, when the brain has reached its cranial capacity, but is still increasing in mass, it becomes compressed and pushes down toward the only escape route- the foramen magnum. The mechanisms behind the respiratory arrest or death in "SBS" cases are also the result of increased intracranial pressure. Retinal hemorrhages are found in 30-40% of all vaginal births (1). Other known causes of retinal hemorrhages include: CPR (2); coagulation disorders (3); accidental trauma (4); strangulation (5); scurvy, (6); and other conditions that cause central retinal vein occlusion. (7, 8). Retinal hemorrhages are commonly found with subarachnoid hemorrhages (9) and are indistinguishable from those found in patients with subdural hematomas (10). Retinal hemorrhages have also been observed after vaccination with Hepatitis B Vaccine (11), and in persons with or autoimmune disorders such as Goodpaster's Syndrome (12).


1. Kaur B, & Taylor D. (1990) Current Topic: Retinal Hemorrhages. Arch. Dis. Child 65:1369 - 1372.

2. Goetting MG, Sowa B (1990). Retinal hemorrhage after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children: an etiologic reevaluation. Pediatrics 85:585-588.

3. Nelson, L. Disorders of the Eye. In: Textbooks of Pediatrics. Behrman, R., Kliegman, R., Arvin, A. Fifteenth Edition. W.B. Saunders Company (Philadelphia). 1996. pgs. 1790-1797.

4. Elner SG, Elner VM, Arnall M, Albert DM.(1990) Ocular and associated systematic findings in suspected child abuse. A necropsy study. Arch Ophthal 108: 1094-1101.

5. Spitz and Fisher: Medicological Investigation of Death. Supra

6. Hess, A. Scurry Past and Present. J.P. Lippincott Company. Philadelphia and London. 1920.

7. Gutman, F. (1983). Evaluation of a Patient with Central Vein Occlusion. American Academy of Ophthalmology. 90(5) 481-483.

8. Iijima H, Gohdo T, Imai M, & Tsukahra S. (1998) Thrombin-Anti-thrombin III Complex in Acute Retinal Vein Occlusion. American Journal of Ophthalmology 126(5): 677-682.

9. Biousse, V., Mendicino, M., Simon, D. and Newman, N. (1998). The Ophthalmology of Intracranial Vascular Abnormalities. American Journal of Ophthalmology 125(4):527-544.

10. Budenz DL, Farber MG, Mirchandani HG, Park H, Rorke LB (1994). Ocular and optic nerve hemorrhages in abused infants with intracranial injuries. Ophthalmol 101:559-565.

11. Devin F, Roques G, Disdier P, Rodor F, Weiller P.J, (1996). Occlusion of central retinal vein after hepatitis B vaccination. The Lancet Vol. 147: 1626.

12. Boucher,M.C. et. al. (1998) The Photo Gallery of Clinical Opthamology: Bilatera Serous Retinal detachments associated with Goodpasters's syndrome. Canadian Journal of Opthamology 33:46-47.

13. Matson, Neurosurgery of Infancy and Childhood.

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